Well, the parent poster asked for an alternative, so I said sshd. If he
wanted telnetd, then he wouldn't ask for an alternative, very simple. And
you act as if I had anything to do with telnetd being removed. I have
nothing to do about anything OpenBSD does, short of maybe helping to fix a
bug or two I might happen to find. You don't like telnetd being gone, use
another OS or just use an alternative, like the parent poster asked about in
his first email (sshd).

On 11/7/05, Ioan Nemes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It in not the question of sshd works or, not! In large environments,
> where you have a large number of legacy hardware (like Apollo 700,
> HP 3000, HP 7000, Solaris 2.5.1 etc., etc.), and the purpose of a UNIX
> box is other than to run a firewall, a webserver, mail-server, or
> MySQL,
> plus you have thousand + users, and clients (internal/external on
> different
> client platforms), yes it is bad not have telnetd running. Matthew is
> quite
> right, telnet is live and will be for very long time. It was a bad
> choice
> to be removed from the source tree. You reduce your options.
> Above, I am not arguing pro/contra telnetd, or sshd!
> Ioan
> >>> Jason Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/11/2005 11:55:55 am
> >>>
> telnetd was completely removed from the source tree around the end of
> may,
> soon after 3.7 was released. As far as an alternative, why does sshd
> not
> work? There are ssh daemons for almost all other operating systems,
> unless
> maybe you're using OpenVMS or Plan9 (although I think there is at least
> one
> for those as well, just not OpenSSH).
> On 11/7/05, Matthew S Elmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I cannot appear to locate a telnet daemon in 3.8 installs now. It
> > appears to have silently disappeared between 3.7 and 3.8.
> >
> > I see no mention of this in the release notes or after a cursory
> search
> > of the mailing lists. It's possible it is mentioned somewhere and I
> am
> > missing it.
> >
> > I understand the advantages of ssh over telnet, but telnet is still
> > heavily used in many environments.
> >
> > Is it merely hiding somewhere or can someone recommend an
> alternative
> > for me?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Matt
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