> Here's a better idea I'm putting out there to see how fast it gets shot down: 
> openbsd-wiki.org, with a rule that whoever gets a question answered on misc 
> has to add an entry with the cleaned reply. It'd do wonders for misc's 
> signal/noise because lazy fucks, retards and trolls would think twice before 
> posting and legitimate users would get answers faster and silently, in 
> whatever available languages.

How is that going to stop the 'retards and trolls' from posting?  
What are the consequences for people who break the rule, and who is
going to enforce it? Have you really thought this through?

> Dynamic content & proper search would also put an end to "just wade through 
> marc.info" fuck-offs and self-righteous RTFD when one has to "egrep -Rli 
> serial /usr/share/man", say. Man/info pages are the ultimate /reference/, 
> they're not meant to solve high-level problems. The FAQs are really are no 
> FAQs at all but a gigantic snowball with floppy install instructions 
> crucially leaving out 5 1/4" and 8" media.

I don't understand why the floppy install option gets you so riled up.
I happen to have a couple of IBM Thinkpads from the early 2000's,
which still work quite well with the exception of unreliable cdrom
drives.  So I like knowing the floppy option is there.

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