Quoting benh...@gmx.us:


A client of mine asked me if I can develop a BSD project for them. I don't have much experience with BSDs, and I have been collecting some background information.
I was given the choice between OpenBSD and NetBSD.
Now, since portability is not all that important, I was oriented towards OpenBSD, which is more secure. The only problem might be the lack of certain features on OpenBSD, such as support for a modern filesystem. As I said, I don't know much about BSDs, so don't flame at me if I say something incorrect. In fact, I am asking your advice. What I would need for my project is a filesystem that supports, at least, journaling. From what I have seen, NetBSD already has that, while OpenBSD doesn't. Has any modern filesystem been ported to OpenBSD? I really need to know, because this issue may constitute a stumbling block to my adoption of OpenBSD.


Ben J. Rafter

You may want to go through the FAQ. The part of the FAQ at http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq8.html answers your questions very clearly. For example:

8.21 - Does OpenBSD support any journaling filesystems?

No it doesn't. We use a different mechanism to achieve similar results called Soft Updates. Please read FAQ 14 - Soft Updates to get more details.

Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
ForeTell Technologies Limited

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