> # pfctl -sr
> pass all flags S/SA
> pass in on pppoe0 inet proto tcp from <src> to <dst> port = 5555 flags S/SA 
> synproxy state
> This is the only rule. Otherwise it's just 'pass all'. If I remove this
> rule too *or* change synproxy to keep, the connection is working.

I remember being puzzled by that myself. I thought I had got it working
but I'm struggling to be sure now whether I got it working or switched
synproxy off on that machine, sorry.
> I can reproduce this on two different machines, with different ISPs and
> different NICs facing the ISPs using pppoe.

Is it possible or have you tried the NIC that it works on in pppoe mode.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

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