On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 7:48 PM, Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 4:06 PM, David Higgs <hig...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It seems the sigprocmask syscall takes different arguments than the
>> libc stub for sigprocmask(2).  Though the differences are easily
>> understood by browsing source, there don't appear to be any man pages
>> describing the syscall interface, and wonder if this is an intentional
>> or accidental oversight.
> The only places this should possibly be documented, IMO, are kdump(1)
> and syscall(2), and in the latter it should be at most a warning and
> _not_ specific info about the affected calls.
> The syscall ABI is only supported for the calls that the system
> libraries actually use, and even there the "guarantee" is only for a
> couple releases.  For example, the sigreturn() in the OpenBSD 5.0
> amd64 libc will not work against a 5.2 kernel.

To reiterate for personal clarity, section 2 manpages for syscalls
actually refers to the corresponding libc interfaces?  That makes
sense in that no userland code would be using syscalls directly due to
complications like errno handling.



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