On 10/09/2012 12:55 PM, Илья Шипицин wrote:

I'm investigating /etc/rc script. And I found the following there:

if [ -e /fastboot ]; then
         echo "Fast boot: skipping disk checks."
elif [ X"$1" = X"autoboot" ]; then
         echo "Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks."

hmm... if I put /fastboot, no filesystem will be checked ?

so says the code, yes.

how it supposed
to work for non-nfs filesystems ?


they'll be not checked, too?

I think I'm missing part of your question...but the answer is in the code, which you are already reading.

You don't normally fsck an nfs mount (that advisory has always satisfied my curiosity sufficiently, I've never actually tried it. I probably should).

is mount able to work with dirty
filesystem ?

for some definition of "work with" -- default is to refuse to mount dirty file systems.

what will happen if I put /fastboot and cold reset (which leaves
filesystems dirty) occures ?

try it and find out?

/fastboot is a marker to indicate the system was shut down cleanly, not a user-knob to twist for giggles. If you deliberately place a marker that is supposed to indicate the file system was shut down cleanly when it wasn't, you will break things. The good news is, you get to keep all the pieces. The other good news is it will be fairly easy to fix.


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