Thanks Reky.

I'll stick with isakmp for now but would like to swtich to iked when its

BTW.  Any known issues with isakmp and groups larger than modp1024?  I
still can't get isakmpd to use anything larger than that?


On 10/19/12 3:35 PM, Reyk Floeter wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Tyler Morgan <> wrote:
>> On 10/19/2012 1:16 AM, Jim Miller wrote:
>>> Two part question:
>>> 1. Anyone had any success getting iked and carp working on OpenBSD 5.1
>>> (amd64)?   We can get it working with isakmpd.  The issue seems to be
>>> that iked wants to send out packets as the physical interface IP instead
>>> of the carp IP.  iked documentation eludes to the fact that it should
>>> work.
> thanks for reporting, I can reproduce the problem.
>> In my experience under 5.1 isakmpd wants to use the IP from the real
>> physical interface instead of the virtual carp interface too, so I have to
>> use the "local x.x.x.x" command in ipsec.conf, where x.x.x.x = my carp IP --
>> this forces it onto the carp IP and all is well.
>> iked.conf(5) has a similar "local" command. Does it not work?
> It does not work. You can see that iked is setting the carp address
> correctly but the address on the wire is the primary one. Fail. The
> code doesn't bind() to the IP used in the "local" command and the
> kernel uses the primary address for the related route.
> btw. you can also specify "local carp0" instead of the IP address and
> it will pick the interface's first address.
>> and keep in mind the caveat:
>> "iked is not yet finished and is missing some important security features.
>>   It should not yet be used in production networks." -- iked(8)
> Yeah, but we're working on it. I actually added this comment before
> mikeb@ added support for SA expiration, lifetimes and retransmits. So
> iked is still not ready, but the situation is much better now ;-)
> reyk

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