On 01/29/13 09:49, Alexander Hall wrote:
On 01/23/13 00:55, slhactivist wrote:
Hi there misc! I'm having trouble connecting to my router. Any help
would be

I can get athn0 to "link", but then it sends a dozen DHCPREQUESTs, and
sends DHCPDISCOVERs until it sleeps...

I've never had this problem before. Last time I switch routers, I just
changed nwid, and wpakey with ifconfig, then ran dhclient for athn0
and it

This time i've tried setting chan, bssid, nwid, nwkey, wpakey, and

I've et these parameters with ifconfig, and also entered into my
/etc/hostname.athn0 file

I've also tried entering (into the /etc/hostname.athn0 file) "dhcp" and
"dhcp NONE NONE NONE" before any parameters.

Usually, the anth0 won't link, just sleeps. But sometimes I can get it to
send some DHCPREQUESTs and DHCPDISCOVERs before sleeping... >_<

Um...I haven't changed much. Just edited the /etc/pf.conf file (just
all blank lines and comments to make it smaller :P) and did whatever
afterboot said, oh and also right at the end of /etc/netstart I added
"ifconfig athn0 lladdr random" to randomize my MAC on each boot.

Don't do that. If you really want it, just put "lladdr random" first in
the hostname.athn0 file.

Ooooh... did you put it *last* in netstart? Meaning you change MAC
address *after* starting dhclient and friends? Sounds like a really bad
idea to me.

Sometimes I try running /etc/netstart athn0 instead of dhclient athn0.

Oh, and also I edited /etc/dhclient.conf a little, just to make it try
longer before going to sleep, but doesn't help.

Anyone have any ideas??? I'm totally stuck! (reading RFC 2131 right

Here's my /etc/hostname.athn0 file:

-wol group egress chan 11 bssid ****** nwid ****** nwkey ****** wpakey
****** wpaakms pks


And here is ifconfig athn0:


lladdr: ******

priority: 4

  groups: wlan egress

media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (DS1 mode 11g)

Status: no network

And when I scan (sudo ifconfig athn0 scan) I get something like this
to write down so from memory):
  ieee80211: nwid ****** chan 11 bssid ****** 3dB 54MB privacy,
short_preamble, short_slottime

wpakey <not displayed> wpaprotos wpa1, wpa2 wpakms psk wpaciphers
tkip, ccmp
wpagroupcipher tkip

inet ****** prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1

Um...when I looked at the router (It's a D-LINK connected to a Telus DSL
box) there is a sticky note on it that says "Wireless: NO DHCP"...but
everyone else is using wireless internet...

Also , when I scan for networks, not only does the network name
appear, but
so does a DLINK and a TELUS network.

MAIN PROBLEM: Athn0 won't link...1/10 times it will it seems, after I
with it...

I have a feeling this is a simple config file problem, but I'm just
not used
to editing conf files.

Am I going about this the right way? (i.e. editing /etc/dhclient.conf,
pf.conf, /etc/hostname.athn0, /etc/myname, and running /etc/netstart,
ifconfig, and dhclient?)????

You should likely only need to edit hostname.athn0

well, myname could be nice too.


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