On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 11:44:12AM -0600, Ed Ahlsen-Girard wrote:
> > But really, it's an extraordinary event for snapshots to be broken,
> > and it is important that people test them.
> > 
> I have been running snapshots for years. I don't recall anything broken
> in base that I even noticed. There were some problems with ports, but
> they were fixed about as rapidly as upstream developments permitted.

I agree with not having base problems, but have ports problems on my
server has caused me grief twice.

Someone else suggested trying a snapshot at home first.
Perfect solution I should have tried first!

My Dad is always reluctant to keep a current -current and then he
complains about all kinds of web stuff that doesn't work.

Then I force him to update and he is then thrilled with the results.

> If I were running a high visibility production server I might run
> stable, but that'd just be to minimize changes and downtime.

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