On 2013-04-05, Andrew Gould <andrewlylego...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am a new to OpenBSD.  (I have installed OpenBSD 5.2 once on an old
> computer with xdm and xfce enabled.)  I would like to install OpenBSD on a
> laptop that already has an active partition setup by Windows 7 and a
> partition containing Windows 7.  I have successfully upgraded the hard
> drive, so approximately 500GB are available at the end of the drive.

As mentioned in INSTALL.i386 / INSTALL.amd64, the root partition "must
also reside completely within the BIOS supported part of the hard disk
-- this could typically be 504MB, 2GB, 8GB or 128GB, depending upon the
age of the machine and its BIOS."

- so, you will need some space towards the *start* of the drive.

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