Stefan Olsson writes:
> Hello,
> I suspect my problem is not entirely OpenBSD-related but more to do with
> pdksh and keybindings.
> I usually do "set -o vi" in my .profile. In bash on OS/X it then works to
> go up and down in history with both j+k or up+down-keys. If I ssh to a
> OpenBSD host from my Mac, I can NOT use up+down in the shell (ksh), but it
> works fine in less or vi. It even works fine with up+down keys in bash on
> OpenBSD - so what do I need to do in ksh to make up+down-keys work (apart
> from doing "set -o emacs")??
> sturban@LassoLouise:~ $ bind | egrep "prefix-2|up-history|down-history"
> ^N = down-history
> ^P = up-history
> ^X = prefix-2
> ^[O = prefix-2
> ^[[ = prefix-2
> ^XA = up-history
> ^XB = down-history
> -----
> TERM=xterm-256color
> And yes, I have read this message already:

I guess it's a bug. See:

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