>Damien Miller wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] djm]$ netstat -sp ip | grep -E
>'(bad.*checksum|total packets)'
>>         61092730 total packets received
>>         0 bad header checksums
>wouldn't netstat -sp tcp | grep -E
>'(bad.*checksum|total packets)' give 
>the output of interest?
>(uptime 10 days on my slow ADSL link)
>netstat -sp ip | grep -E '(bad.*checksum|total
>         2448320 total packets received
>         0 bad header checksums
>netstat -sp tcp | grep -E '(bad.*checksum|total
>                 23 discarded for bad checksums
>                 0 bad/missing md5 checksums
>Doesn't this mean that 23 errors were not detected
>by the link layer 
>(probably because the errors were introduced some
>hops away from me) and 
>only the TCP checksum catched them?
>I hope you're right and it's not a reliability
>problem in practice.

Flames invited if I'm wrong, but I think that it
means that 23 packets were discarded for bad checksums
Those 23 packets were discarded BEFORE being seen by the
next layer up.
Of course that may be just wishful thinking.
One easy stunt would be to generate correct checksums going
out for whatever garbage seems to have been received.
Repeat. Flames invited. Who/what do you trust?

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