Realtek has no official software distribution on their site of a RTL8723 
driver. As far as the repo goes, it was highly likely taken from a beta-grade 
(at best) Dropbox'ed linux driver posted on ubuntu sites after popular demand.

The fact that, in the repo, pieces of code with text saying Copyright Realtek 
and GPLv2, means that it could not be ported? Reiterating, could the GPLv2 bits 
be removed when the driver is ported to BSD with a valid license?

Jean Lucas <> wrote:

>Is one able to strip the GPL from a repo? In the case of this repo, would the 
>driver have to be completely reconstructed/reimplemented in the case the GPL 
>could not be stripped?
>As far as the end result goes, be that engineering a new driver or if one can 
>strip the GPL from the existing repo, the new driver would/could be BSD 
>licensed, if that decision were up to me.

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