On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 03:15:30PM +0100, the unit calling itself Tobias Ulmer 
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 12:46:26PM +0100, Bernd Schoeller wrote:

> > > Nov 19 16:56:21 opie ntpd[6238]: clock error = +29.92s; adjusting...
> > 
> > I would be careful using the word 'error'. I get very irritated
> > whenever I read error in a logfile.
> > 
> > Bernd
> > 
> I agree with Bernd here.
> How about: clock off by xx seconds, adjusting... 
> What I in particular find funny here is that Mr. Moore replaced 
> adjusting by "adjusting..." Great improvment *lol*
> If we had a stirling maschine in this mailing list, I could forget to 
> pay my power bill the next three months.

With all due respect, gentlemen, I think you need to warm up to the idea 
that clocks do have errors, and those errors do need to be corrected. 
The log entries simply give you a bit of information wrt what your 
system is doing to correct those errors.

And I guess you would need to read that "other thread" on the subject of 
timekeeping before you could understand this one (ref: timekeeping on 
Soekris net4801 w/ ntpd. 3.8.) 

And finally, the irony: I can now empathize with Herr Brauer - how dare 
you suggest my log entries are unclear!  :D

Seriously though - if the words "error" or "adjusting..." don't suit 
your notion of a proper log entry, the OP gives you everything you need 
to tailor it to your own liking.


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