On Jul 12 23:54:56, open...@cpnetserver.net wrote:
> Forgive my fault and my English!
> What I want to know is why [technically] the scipt: mkdir $(date +'%d'),

That's not a script. That's a line from
some script which you haven't shown us.

> whith the default system date, with no manual insertion, return this
> sequence of digits:

That line doesn't return any sequence of digits,
it creates directories.

> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 08, 09, 10, etc.
> Why the '0' [zero] appears only after the digit 7?

One might _guess_ that's where the "0n"
is no longer a valid octal number, but
without seeing your broken script,
that's all: a guess.

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