On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 6:34 AM, <h...@riseup.net> wrote:

> > Well, I think you get the point
> Certainly I do, but this leaves everything but gcc overboard as pcc
> project is too small to
> scale so widely on all the architectures OpenBSD supports. The same
> applies to Clang - it's
> been thought mainly as a commercial replacement for gcc for titanics like
> Apple. This way I
> seriously doubt that they are going to care about something like sgi, vax,
> sparc64 or whatever.
> And sending patches upstream will get you nothing but a brick wall full of
> cold dumb silence.

I am just a user here, I don't have extensive operating system or compiler
knowledge, but this debate interests me.
in general I think it is a good idea to move to something like llvm/clang,
for one the license is good, it is BSD licensed
maybe im wrong here, but clang is a "fresh start" with modern hardware in
mind, so thats good..

I understand the trouble with maintaining a compiler if the "upstream"
doesn't care to help..
couldn't All of the *BSD's somehow in some way help with maintaining clang
in some unified way?

for example, FreeBSD uses clang now, they are making real progress on
having the ports tree build with clang as well
NetBSD supports a LOT of architectures,as does OpenBSD. so cant there be a
place, where all the tools needed to build
a *BSD system are kept and maintained? I see the term "tool chain" thrown
around a lot, I assume this refers to all thing "things" one needs
to build a system.. so could the "tool chain" somehow over time be unified
for all the *BSD's, this would include the compiler of course.

I've long wished that the various BSD's could somehow work together in a
more unified way, I get that there are different goals and that creates the
need for separate projects.
but at least from my limited understanding, the "tool chain" and by
extension the compiler, is a good place to start, where all 4 major BSD's
could have common ground.

There may be very technical reasons why this can't happen, but if there
are, I don't know of any.

any thoughts are appreciated

Sam Fourman Jr.

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