On 08/20/2013 06:22 PM, Moritz Grimm wrote:

Reverse the list of files and you won't need your /bin54/tar (and you
can continue using gzip'ed tarballs).  In fact, all you really need is
to stick base54 at the end of the list.

Yes, even though that deviates from the order the installer uses. The
results are probably the same, but I would want to double-check that first.

Also, the order is so engrained from years of typing them, I often try
to include the misc set after comp ...

We've been suggesting "base last" in the upgrade instructions since upgrade47.html

It's been "double checked" for a number of releases over a number of years now.

Please...don't invent new processes, enhance existing ones. We got 20 platforms now. "Worked for me on this one" is really not the direction we want to be going.

The existing upgrade instructions for remote systems are built around exactly this type of concern, so that the process changes as little as possible from release to release. Most of the time, not an issue. Once in a while, it is. But we always tell people "save the old reboot, un-tar baseXX.tgz last" so things like this aren't as big of changes, and add version specific stuff as needed.


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