> Resurrecting this thread, since I also got a total freeze in
> Qemu/KVM after sending ACPI shutdown using OpenBSD 5.3.
> Testing, I also tried 5.3 in VirtualBox and VMWare, both gave clean
> shutdown.  This makes me suspect KVM is at fault...
>          QEMU/KVM (echo system_powerdown | nc -U /tmp/test1.monitor
> )
> ---> total freeze
>          VirtualBox ("ACPI shutdown") --> clean shutdown
>          VMWare Fusion ("Shutdown") --> clean shutdown
> FWIW, I'm using an illumos/omnios host on AMD hardware.

Probably not purely a KVM problem; I'm running OpenBSD 5.3-RELEASE inside KVM 
(ProxmoxVE 3.1 platform) on Intel CPUs, and ACPI handling works correctly.  I 
also recall testing OpenBSD 5.2-RELEASE inside RedHat Enterprise Virtualization 
(also KVM-based) and it worked fine there on AMD chips.
The only HVM-related issues I've been able to find are a) speed [no surprise 
there], and b) the long-standing red-console-background effect when switching 

This implies that you're seeing a bizarre interaction between your guest, your 
host, and the VM software.  It's remotely possible your hardware has something 
to do with it, but unlikely.  I haven't tested anything illumos-based.

-Adam Thompson

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