Theo de Raadt wrote:
double (or even better long double) would be a better underlying
type for time_t than long long.
If you believe strongly in this idea, you should take an entire
operating system base and prove the case

15 years ago a gen-yoo-wine software engineer in our department suggested an optimization in an often-executed loop in our code.

The curmudgeonly architect/programmer lowered his eyeglasses and stared across the table. "And if we make this change," he said, "and it passes
testing, and is pushed to all our customers, each of them will save, oh, 1.5 seconds 
of execution time per year."

Jack Woehr               # "We commonly say we have no time when,
Box 51, Golden CO 80402  #  of course, we have all that there is." # - James Mason, _The Art of Chess_, 1905

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