Thought I'd share a quick update here, since a few people have
expressed interest:

I've committed the dhclient patch and vioscsi driver.  I expect the
next set of OpenBSD snapshots that include these commits to work out
of box on Compute Engine.

There are docs online for how to use Cloud Storage and Compute Engine
already, so I'm going to just focus on creating a image for OpenBSD.
Also, I've only tested these steps on Ubuntu; they might work on

1. Create a disk image.  It needs to be named "disk.raw" and should be
a "raw" disk image:

    qemu-img create -f raw disk.raw 10G

2. Install OpenBSD using install54.iso:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -drive if=virtio,file=disk.raw -cdrom
install54.iso -boot order=cd

(I was using a remote machine and X11 forwarding was too slow for me,
so I actually first used "echo 'set tty com0' > boot.conf" and
"growisofs -M install54.iso -l -R -graft-points
/etc/boot.conf=boot.conf" so that cdboot(8) would use the serial port
instead of VGA, and then I used qemu's -nographic option.  YMMV.)

3. Tar and gzip the disk image.  File name doesn't matter, but -S flag
makes the .tar.gz file smaller.  OpenBSD tar doesn't support -S, but I
haven't checked if gtar from ports does.

    tar -Szcf my-openbsd-image.tar.gz disk.raw

4. Now you should have an OpenBSD disk image usable with Compute
Engine.  Follow the instructions online for how to upload it to Cloud
Storage, register it as a disk image with Compute Engine, and then
create instances based on it:

I've only tested the "n1-standard-1" instance type so far.  Feel free
to contact me via the mailing list or privately if you have any
feedback or questions.

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