On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Alexei Malinin <alexei.mali...@mail.ru> wrote:
> On 12/23/13 21:14, Donald Allen wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Alexei Malinin <alexei.mali...@mail.ru> 
>> wrote:
>>> On 12/23/13 20:32, Remco wrote:
>>>> Alexei Malinin wrote:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> My notebook hangs while working in X
>>>>> (at random times, several times per day).
>>>>> I could not find any information related
>>>>> to the above problemin syslogs.
>>>>> I would like to get a good advice about
>>>>> how to find possible sources of the problem.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Alexei Malinin
>>>> Did you read http://www.openbsd.org/report.html ? The section about
>>>> setting "sysctl ddb.console=1" might help you get more information.
>>> The page says: "... try enabling sysctl ddb.console=1prior to the hang
>>> and getting in DDB via Ctl+Alt+Esc on the keyboard (_must be outside of
>>> X_)".
>>> But while my notebooks hangs in X keyboard hangs too -
>>> so your your advice cannot help.
>> >From your messages, it's not clear whether it is X or the whole system
>> that is hung. Does it respond to ctrl-alt-F<n>? Have you tried pinging
>> it from another machine? If ping shows signs of life, try ssh-ing in.
> the whole system is hung, no response at all :(

Ultimately, Nick is right and his advice should be followed. And
Alexey Suslikov has given you a good suggestion for trying current
without disturbing the machine. But if you want to cling to the hope
that the 5.4 release can be somehow tweaked to work properly (I
wouldn't, but I'm not in your situation), you might try generating an
xorg.conf with 'X -configure', stick it in /etc/X11, and change the
driver in the "device" section to "vesa". Then bring up X and see what
happens. If the crashes cease, you might have a usable system, if you
can put up with the vesa driver's limitations. Again, I think Nick's
approach is the right one, but if you really can't follow his advice
for whatever reason, this hack is an alternative approach.


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