I also have this problem on some vio network.  The Nic stop receiving and
transmiting, but if I access the console and start a tcpdump, the nics come
back to work normally.

2013/12/29 Comète <com...@daknet.org>

> Yes, i confirm that i have this problem too with vio network drivers with
> proxmox VE 2.x and OpenBSD 5.3 and 5.4. Nics stop receiving and
> transmitting. I also switched back to em driver.
> Morgan
> Le 29/12/2013 20:55, Adam Thompson a écrit :
>  Just an FYI at this time for anyone else searching on this problem. On
>> the other hand, feel free to share ideas if you have 'em.
>> OpenBSD 5.4 (RELEASE) does not appear to reliably receive ACPI signals
>> delivered by KVM.  Or, the version of kvm/qemu (1.4) that ships with
>> ProxmoxVE 3.1 (pve 3.1) fails to deliver ACPI shutdown signals to
>> OpenBSD reliably.  I'm not sure which.  Sometimes it works, sometimes
>> it doesn't.  Limited testing shows that ACPI events fail after the VM
>> has been up and running for a while - not sure how long, yet.
>> I'm using virtio drivers for both network and disk, but limited
>> testing so far does not show that this makes any difference.
>> I do note that vio(4) networking in this setup occasionally stops
>> transmitting or receiving; switching back to em(4) resolves that
>> particular issue (so far).  When the vio(4) driver goes awry, the only
>> immediate symptom is that the VM stops sending and receiving packets.
>> Later, I discover that afflicted VMs can no longer shut down cleanly,
>> either... presumably a KVM/OpenBSD interaction of some sort, I'm not
>> pointing fingers in *any* direction right now. (Especially since it
>> could be something I've done, too.)
>> So far everything appears stable enough to run in production with the
>> exception of vio(4).  I have had to virtually yank the plug on a few
>> VMs in order to shut them down, however... back to the good 'ol days
>> of SunOS 3: "shutdown() { 'sync;sync;sync;halt -npq' }" ;-).

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