MJ wrote:
On 18 Jan 2014, at 20.01, Desktop User OpenBSD <openbsd.desktop.u...@gmail.com> 


I would love to subscribe to the monthly donation on:


but I need to ask, say a few things before:

1) The
is redirecting to http://www.obtuse.com/
why? HTTPS should work properly or it shouldn't be there.


Rather than contributing just some outdated sang, you could have done
something useful, like helping to troubleshoot why the redirect was happening.

Speaking of, both sites reside on the same IP, so its probably that the
browser being used or a proxy in between doesn't play nicely with
virtual hosts and tries to connect by raw IP and that obtuse.com comes
first in httpd.conf for that IP address.

2) What is the status of the funding? The CAD$(?) 20,000?

3) Are there any subscriptions too or there are only one-time donations?

I would do a subscription if it were possible, but the amount has to be
entirely of my own choosing. Paypal certainly does offer recurring
payments, so there is no reason not to offer them to people willing
to support the project.

There *is* the possibility of recurring donations (either the first
result of doing an internet search for 'OpenBSD recurring donations' or just following the link in the email you replied to, just after the
sender asks about why it wasn't working for them.

4) Could Theo or anyone from the OpenBSD team contact any vendors, or has
the project any bigger subscription donator already?

Again, and I really need to highlight this: when the project
comes to the position that it is asking for money or die, then
the project is also in a requirement to provide financial

Why do we need transparency?  Is that so you can nit-pick every expense?
And requirement by whom exactly?  Because last I checked, Theo doesn't
report to you, nor does anyone else around here.

If money is the question, then a mailing list  isn’t the answer
- this is 2014 and most of the world couldn’t  give a flying shit
> about email anymore

Pray tell us, what people are these that you are talking about?
Although I suspect that by 'people' you mean 'me'.

(and if I can additionallystick in a side comment regarding
> antiquity, then give up the FTP already - it’s a dinosaur,
it’s unnecessarily complex,  and it serves no specific purpose when
> HTTP is available.)

No, http is the dinosaur, what with the relatively huge overhead it
requires compared to ftp for file transfers, do you want to make us
use more power?  It isn't even complex, at least not for someone who
can read

5) If something would happen to Theo (which __I don't want or wish__), who
would be the project leader? Son or daughter? Or any lead developers? Are
there any plans for this?
In the book: Absolute OpenBSD (2nd) which came out at April of 2013 says
only one sentence about this:
"Theo takes whatever actions necessary to keep the OpenBSD Project running
smoothly. If something should ever happen to Theo, the project does have
plans for replacing him.”

Maybe Michael knows something that we don’t as the result of an evening
full of beers together with the core team. According to Wikipedia, Theo
is only a year and a half younger than me, so he’s still got at least
30 years in front of him barring accidental death or an incurable tumor.

Or maybe one of these days he gets tired of idiots and leaves the

Corporate attitude likes to propagate the attitude that none of us are
indispensable, but the fact is that unless you are a java coder and by
default travelling down the Ho Chi Min trail then you are also
indispensable. Friends don’t let friends code Java. Period.

You keep using the word 'indespensible', I don't think it means what you
think it means...

Remove the double negatives and you'll see why that sentence doesn't
make a lick of sense.  Also, are you seriously comparing writing Java to
a reprehensible series of war-crimes? I may be a sociopath(your word, not mine) but even I know that is something you don't do.

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