Adam Jensen <> wrote:

> > FreeBSD is more playful: It has ${ARCH}-portbld-freebsd
> > ${OSREL} in its ports tree and ...
> I wonder how the FreeBSD guys changed it "without breaking every
> gnu-configure script in existence".

They didn't.  I think espie is simply mistaken.  FreeBSD has a check
whether to use --build=${CONFIGURE_TARGET} or call older configure
scripts directly with ${CONFIGURE_TARGET}, and occasionally there's
a :S/amd64/x86_64/, but that's it.  There are no patches and FreeBSD
does not overwrite the included config.sub.

As far as I can tell, that middle part is simply ignored.

> X-Mailer:Sylpheed 3.2.0 (GTK+ 2.24.20; i386-unknown-openbsd5.4)
> To the uninitiated masses, it might seem like the system was
> sloppily configured or in some other way the admin was confused.

At least it's consistent.  FreeBSD's collection of
  -undermydesk- (gcc)
  -marcel-  (gdb)
  -unknown- (clang, binutils, occasionally in ports)
  -portbld- (most ports)
would never confuse anybody, would it?

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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