Hi all,

There is a small nuisance I've stumbled upon during my first
experiments with OpenBSD.

Both the man page for rc.conf(8) as well as the official OpenBSD FAQ
(10.3) suggest to avoid editing /etc/rc.conf directly and instead copy
it to /etc/rc.conf.local and edit afterwards. Yet it seems both fail
to mention, that in order to prevent your system from going ballistic
after doing this, you should also comment out or delete a particular
line of code in /etc/rc.conf.local, namely this one:
"[ -f /etc/rc.conf.local ] && . /etc/rc.conf.local". Not good,
especially for those who do follow official instructions and still
suddenly find themselves with a broken system on their hands for no
apparent reason.

This might seem like a trivial issue for old-timers, and one is sure
to find the appropriate solution with a little bit of deeper googling,
but having short relevant notices in the aforementioned manuals could
save newcomers some introductory frustration. What do you think? Is
there anyone among those looking after the official documentation up
to consider such a suggestion?

Vasyl Zubko

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