I'm looking for recommendations on what works well for people, since this doesn't appear to be covered by the FAQ or AOBSD2E. I know several ways to accomplish what I'm after, but none of them seem to have any clear advantage over the other.

1. I have about a dozen OpenBSD systems running (5.4-RELEASE), all of which share a common list of users, all of which generate email automatically. 2. Only one of those systems is the designated mail server. I would like all the other systems to immediately relay any and all email to the mail server. 3. I don't want to have to manually maintain /etc/mail/aliases on each and every system for each and every user; sooner or later I'll miss one. 4. I'd prefer to use smtpd(8) instead of sendmail(8), but I'm even willing to run software from ports, if it's clearly better/cleaner/smaller/etc.

So, I know I can achieve the effect I want by putting every user on every machine in /etc/aliases with something like:
    athompso    athom...@central.mail.server
Or I can achieve the same effect by putting a .forward file in every home directory on every machine, but both of these options are laborious and thus error-prone.

I know how to do this with Postfix, but installing Postfix from ports just to forward mail to a central mailhost seems like... overkill? I think I might be able to remember how to do this with Sendmail, but I'm not sure. I've stayed as far away from sendmail as I can.
And I'm not at all clear on how to accomplish this with smtpd.

I assume *someone* here must have a similar situation - what worked (or didn't) for you?

-Adam Thompson

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