
I need to deploy a number of openbsd firewalls based on alix2d13
hardware. The goal is to separate industrial network from LAN, in order
to protect unpatched systems on industrial network from potential
malware on LAN, while providing some level of access (mostly
low-traffic VNC from LAN to industrial and sql in the opposite

The problem is that we have very unstable power grid, resulting in
unclean shutdnowns of devices. I cannot UPS them all.

How can I configure firewalls so they are resistant to those power
failures (ie do not need fsck)? How should I partition? Which partitions
should be mount read-only? Which should be mount as memory disks? Which
size shoud I allocate for memory disks (RAM is a constraint here as I
have only 256Mb)? Any other advices?

Thank you in advance,
Marko Cupać

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