
I am configuring native ldapd (OBSD 5.4) for users authentication.
But it seems I can't use ldappasswd to modify a userPassword.

Here's how the object is configured:
# ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=local" -w vierge -b "dc=local" 
# email, users, local
dn: cn=email,ou=users,dc=local
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
cn: email
sn: Account used for e-mail services
userPassword:: dmllcmdl

Here's the command I use to modify the password:
# ldappasswd -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=local" -w vierge -S 
New password: 
Re-enter new password: 
Result: Protocol error (2)

On the daemon side, I get:
Feb 28 12:13:49.203 [18750] accepted connection from on fd 12
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] consumed 37 bytes
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] got request type 0, id 1
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] bind dn = cn=admin,dc=local
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] successfully authenticated as cn=admin,dc=local
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] sending response 1 with result 0
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] consumed 71 bytes
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] got request type 23, id 2
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] got extended operation
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] unimplemented extended operation
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] sending response 24 with result 2
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] consumed 7 bytes
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] got request type 2, id 3
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] current bind dn = cn=admin,dc=local
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] end-of-file on connection 12
Feb 28 12:13:49.204 [18750] closing connection 12

If I run this command:
# ldapmodify -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=local" -w vierge  
dn: cn=email,ou=users,dc=local
changetype: modify
replace: userPassword
userPassword: newP4ss

modifying entry "cn=email,ou=users,dc=local"

Then the userPassword is properly changed.
Isn't it possible to use ldappasswd to do such operation ?
Or am I just mis-using it ?


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