On 2014-03-19, Zé Loff <zel...@zeloff.org> wrote:
> As far as I can tell, if a commented line on ipsec.conf ends with "\"
> then the following line will also be considered a comment (if the next
> line also ends with "\" the commenting is propagated). For example
>   #ike esp from A.A.A.A to C.C.C.C \
>   ike esp from A.A.A.A to B.B.B.B \
>     srcid foo.example.com dstid bar.example.com
> is treated as a commented block, instead of setting up a tunnel from
> A.A.A.A to B.B.B.B. I find this a bit surprising...
> What should be fixed: the parser, ipsec.conf.5 or my expectations?

Manpages for all the programs using parse.y were supposed to have unified
text about multiline comment handling, but I missed ipsec.conf(5) when
I changed the others (back in 2011). ipsec.conf(5) is now fixed, thanks.

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