On Mar 25 15:24:03, byronklipp...@ml1.net wrote:
> Is there a way to generate DTMF tones using the tools in base?
> I am trying to open a "live" audio path over IP from one node to
> another. The audio path is fed into a controlling device which
> interfaces with a VHF radio. In order to key-up the radio, the
> controlling device needs to see a DTMF code (1 to key, 0 to unkey). Any
> audio sent to the device between keying and unkeying, is sent to the
> radio and over air.
> I'm guessing an ssh-tunnel will server as the "path", just not sure
> which framework can be used to record and play audio,

See aucat(1) for general audio work.
It also works nicely over ssh (see
for inspiration).

> let alone generate DTMF.

I would use the SoX package for this ...

On Mar 25 17:06:50, fritz.k...@gmail.com wrote:
> play -n synth 0.5 sine 697 sine 1209 channels 1
> play -n synth 0.5 sine 941 sine 1336 channels 1

... but only slightly differently:

play -c 1 -n synth 0.5 sine 697 sine 1209 gain -6
play -c 1 -n synth 0.5 sine 941 sine 1336 gain -6

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