
I am a little puzzled. Just a had a external Site test my OpenBSD Router/Firewall(soekris).

In the pf.conf I have a rule which is the first in the rules section

block in all


block in (has the same effect)

This rule seems to have no effect. A scan from remote shows port 53 open which should be closed. There is no rule which allows it. First I thought that I made a mistake with some of my rules so I commented out all rules which have something to do with external interface "... in {if_ext}"

After issuing the command pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf the port is still open.

The only way so far to reach the wanted behaviour is to use

block in quick on $if_ext (quick is neccessary or it will not work)

Only then all ports on the external interface are blocked as wanted.

Am I missing something ? I checked the man page which says that "block in" is correct. Or did something in the use changed from 5.2 to 5.4 ?

OpenBSD 5.4 GENERIC#0 amd64 (all patches compiled in; that is why #0)


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