On 11/28/05, Paul Pruett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> omg  what a load of ****,
> to funny,  any coporation stupid enough to fall for that story
> by ssh to buy Tectia ssh and not use openssh deserves to be
> taken for $$$$ plus the security issues they will get.

That's because there's a huge number of "cover my ass" type people at work
in key positions.  If they can't buy "support", they won't use it, at least
officially.  I had proposed making openssh a standard at a Fortune 100
company.  The director of security turned it down for 1.5 years, because of
"support".  I was told to evaluate ssh.  I asked them for a quote.  They
quoted me list price.  I laughed in their face, and asked for a serious
price.  It still came to over a couple of million for an "enterprise
solution".  Told them if they wanted serious consideration, they had better
not waste my time.  Finally got a reasonable price by the director's
standard ($100k).

In the end, I managed to prevail and got openssh set as the standard, but
had to find 3 "key" people to support ssh.  Had to write documentation,
which basically was something along the lines of:

Old way
telnet host
Username: <enter username>
Password: <enter password>

New way
ssh host
Username: <enter username>
Password: <enter password>

Advanced features
Some advanced users may wish to explore features such as the "-l" flag or
even using keys.  Read the man pages for more details.


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