nat-to rule not work if match and work when pass:
match out quick on egress inet from !(egress:network) to any nat-to
(egress:0) - not work
pass out quick on egress inet from !(egress:network) to any nat-to
(egress:0) - work
Today I install 5.5 and copy old pf.conf to new system, and remove queuing
rules, but NAT not work with this config.
I remove all restriction rules and put accept all outgoing on both
interfaces and all input on internal interface.
What I doing wrong?

# cat
# macros

tcp_ext_services="{ 22, 443, 51413 }"
tcp_int_services="{ 22, 53, 80 }"
udp_int_services="{ 53, 69 }"

# options
set block-policy drop
set skip on lo

# match rules
pass out quick on egress inet from !(egress:network) to any nat-to
match in on egress proto tcp from !$int_if to (egress) port 443 \
    rdr-to (egress) port 22
# filter rules
block log
antispoof quick for { lo $int_if }
pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types

# filter rules for (egress)
pass in on egress inet proto tcp from any to (egress) \
    port $tcp_ext_services
pass out on egress from (egress)

# filter rules for $int_if
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from $int_if:network to $int_if port
pass in on $int_if proto udp from $int_if:network to $int_if port
pass in on $int_if from $int_if:network to !$int_if

pass out on $int_if to $int_if:network

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