On 12/1/05, dreamwvr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >I thought about a way of de-/encrypting home-directories transparently to
>  >users. I've got a vague idea how to realize this in a reasonable way:
>  >
>  >* Generate a key, associate it with a new svnd-image, prepare the image
>  >* Encrypt the key with the users login password, store it in /home
>  >* On login, decrypt the key with the password
>  >* Pass the decrypted key to vnconfig and mount the image on $HOME
>  >This has some consequences, like
>  >- creating a new login facility login_decrypt (or sth. similar)
>  >- writing a program for keyfile/image generation and password changing
>  >- modify vnconfig to read keys from other sources than stdin
>  >
>  >Since I already got some code, it might be smart to ask now for some
>  >feedback before heading into a completely wrong direction.
>  >There are probably better ways to accomplish this, so generally opinions
>  >regarding the issue would be cool.
>  >
>  >All the best,
>  >/Markus
> Markus,
> If the key used to decrypt some $USER is their password. It might be
> useful to centralize via the master.passwd db. No extra file
> needed in the $USER $HOME. eg: .hushlogin like scenario.

you want a different key for the disk and the user, otherwise the user
can never change their password.

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