On 12/05/14 21:11, Alexander Hall wrote:
On 05/12/14 13:11, andy wrote:

NB; My 'patches' are not really patches as they are not code diff's. They are just suggested changes i've posted on the lists. When I get more time (I'm a one man band at the mo for my company!) I want to get more familiar
with the code base etc and contribute diffs to OBSD..

if [ `ifconfig | grep "status: master" | wc -l` > 0 ]; then ipsecctl
-d -f /etc/ipsec.conf; fi
     sleep 1
if [ `ifconfig | grep "status: master" | wc -l` > 0 ]; then ipsecctl
-d -f /etc/ipsec.conf; fi
if [ `ifconfig | grep "status: master" | wc -l` > 0 ]; then ipsecctl
-F -f /etc/ipsec.conf; fi

Now my eyes hurt a bit and I cannot let this pass uncontradicted. AFAICT, the above chunk would always perform all of the ipsecctl's, and as a bonus leave a '0' file wherever it is run from.

While it could be fixed in the intended style, instead I'll overdo it and leave it to the reader to find a nice suitable middle ground. :-)

    local f
    for f in d d F; do
        ifconfig | grep -q "status: master" || break
        ipsecctl -$f -f /etc/ipsec.conf

Totally untested, but the idea should be clear.



Yea thats a cleaner way to do it, but it doesn't leave '0' files as the '> 0' is a test condition for the if statement, not a redirect.. :)


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