At 6:19 PM +0000 12/2/05, Simon Slaytor wrote:

I seem to remember a problem when I was setting up the same
scenario as you using FreeBSD. When trying to print from a
Windows host using LPR/LPD the FBSD LPD daemon expects
connections from a certain TCP/IP port on the connecting host,
but Windows doesn't use the said port for it's LPR connections.
Hence the connections are being rejected. This may not apply
to OBSD's LPD implementation but you never know.

I am not sure if this is the problem that Greg Thomas is seeing,
but it might be.  If it is, then at least lpd in FreeBSD supports
the -W option:

  -W  By default, the lpd daemon will only accept connections which
      originate from a reserved-port (<1024) on the remote host.  The
      -W flag causes lpd to accept connections coming from any port.
      This is can be useful when you want to accept print jobs from
      certain implementations of lpr written for Windows.

My openbsd box isn't up-and-running right now, and it's still
running 3.6 instead of 3.8 (I intend to upgrade soon).  But looking
at the CVS repository, I think lpd on OpenBSD does have this same -W

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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