On 2014-07-07 04:10, Tuyosi Takesima wrote:
Hi ,all .
i understand dd's limit .

i am considring about
" growisofs -dvd-compat -Z $DEV="$FILE" -use-the-force-luke=dao:$SIZE
but clueless , ' man growisofs' give me no hint especially 'dao's usage' .

i only guess
"growisofs   -dvd-compat  -Z /dev/rcd0c=/ISO/test.iso
-use-the-force-luke=dao:64k  -speed=16 "

is this 64k proper?

By the way , there are many ' iso to DVD' GUI tools (for example brasero)
in Linux .
what openBSD has ?


OpenBSD has K3B from the KDE desktop.

$SPEEDSTR = "-speed=1 " is the safest setting. ($ man growisofs)
dao[:$SIZE] is, I think, usually used for non-iso burning.

The latest code is at
There are a lot of notes but I do not understand it all.

Good Luck

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