On Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:59:16 +0000
Fabian Bakkum <fabianbak...@hotmail.com> wrote:

| Dear OpenBSD fellows,
| I'm looking at using OpenBSD for digital signage, therefore I need to
| automatically start a X session with cwm. The problem is, is that
| xdm does not support automatic logins, which I understand,
| because it is a security concern for regular desktop setups.
| Although for this, possibly rare case, what is the recommended way
| to start it? I have tried adding the following line to /etc/rc.local:
| su - $user -c 'startx -- nocursor'
| The problem with this, is that it prevents the system from fully
| booting, I discovered this when my cronjob didn't work.
| So my question, how should I start it? (also without cursor)                  

slim in packages supports automatic login.

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