On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 12:29:00PM -0700, Mike Larkin wrote:
> That's good news, but unfortunately it's just a diagnostic tool to indicate
> what I already suspected - a GPE is firing, but it's still unknown which one.

So, I modified the conditional in acpi_enable_wakegpes in acpi.c to exclude
sets of wakeup devices. Eventually I landed on:

acpi_enable_wakegpes(struct acpi_softc *sc, int state)
        struct acpi_wakeq *wentry;

        SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(wentry, &sc->sc_wakedevs, q_next) {
                dnprintf(10, "%.4s(S%d) gpe %.2x\n", wentry->q_node->name,
                if ((state <= wentry->q_state)
                    && (strncmp("SLPB", wentry->q_node->name, 4) != 0))
                        acpi_enable_onegpe(sc, wentry->q_gpe);

What is SLPB? I'll try to find out for myself, but just wanted to share
my progress.


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