
I encountered the following issue on my FFS1 data filesystem. It didn't suffer any unclean shutdown since at least last fsck(8) run (yes, it is already clean), nonetheless fsck(8) reports incorrect link count of one of the directories. It didn't complain before and the filesystem never experienced any unclean shutdown when being written to.

# /sbin/fsck -nf /dev/rsd5a
** /dev/rsd5a (NO WRITE)
** File system is already clean
** Last Mounted on /mnt
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
LINK COUNT DIR I=7362198  OWNER=1005 MODE=40755
SIZE=19968 MTIME=Jul 23 16:47 2014  COUNT 574 SHOULD BE 572

** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
926687 files, 479312280 used, 1183201 free (91681 frags, 136440 blocks, 0.0% 

# /bin/ls -ldi /mnt/photo/
7362198 drwxr-xr-x  574 1005  1005  19968 Jul 23 16:47 /mnt/photo

The /mnt/photo/ directory (inode 7362198) currently lists 570 subdirectories as fsck(8) suggests (572-2) and there shouldn't be any extraordinary hardlinks to that directory. I didn't delete any subdirectory from that directory.

The filesystem is FFS1, the device is a regular 512 bytes/sector external USB hard drive. Write operation are usually done while this filesystem is mounted with -o softdep.

The filesystem was handled by this snapshot:
OpenBSD 5.3 (GENERIC.MP) #53: Fri Mar  1 09:34:37 MST 2013

I also verified filesystem integrity with recent ramdisk kernels, with the same result.

Is there any explanation for the two additional links in the reference count? Should I be worried that I've lost two subdirectories somehow?
(I can't verify that.)

Thanks for any hints.


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