My daily insecurity email on one of my boxes says this:

Block device changes:
brw-r----- 1 root operator 0, 1 Aug 16 17:44:40 2014 /dev/wd0b
brw-r----- 1 root operator 0, 1 Sep 8  18:43:56 2014 /dev/wd0b

On all my other (openbsd) boxes, the swap partition has the same date as
all the other block devices. And all the other devices on *this* box
have the same timestamp of August 16. After this insecurity report, I
ran a script that eats up memory and started to use swap space and I
verified that at least in that case, the swap device timestamp didn't it would seem that using swap wouldn't lead to the timestamp
change in my daily insecurity report.

Does anyone know why the date would change on a swap device like this?

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