Dave Diller writes:
> >
> > Oh... and from the "obivous bugs" department:  In rf_openbsdkintf.c
> >
> >
> > there is a:
> >
> >  RF_Free( clabel, sizeof(RF_ComponentLabel_t));
> >
> > missing before the:
> >
> >  return(EINVAL);
> >
> > But that won't help with the problem your describing... (just noticed
> > the above as I was perusing the code..)
> Ha! Guess it helps when you wrote the original version, eh?  Nice.

Well... 7 years ago now for some of these bits :)  (and yes, this bug 
is entirely mine :) )

> It definitely seems to be related to issues with rf_openbsdkintf.c though - I
> was just pointed to this bug by the gentleman who opened it a couple of months
> ago:
> http://cvs.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-wrapper?full=yes&numbers=4508

Ahh.. "that one".

> which has the same panic that I'm seeing.  Sorry for not including it
> initially, BTW.  Didn't have an easy way to do that since I'm remote with no
> console.
> Resolution was
> State-Changed-Why:
> Fixed in revision 1.28 of rf_openbsdkintf.c, thanks for the report
> and I'm running
> /* $OpenBSD: rf_openbsdkintf.c,v 1.27 2004/11/28 02:47:14 pedro Exp $   */
> So, time to resolve that via the latest -stable and try again.


> Do you have the cycles to get a bug in queue for the one you spotted on 
> a quick once-over, before someone gets nailed by THAT one?  I could open 
> it, but it
> would merely say "didn't run into the problem, but Greg Oster says its an
> obvious bug..." ;-)

I mentioned it here since it's an easy one for someone to fix...  You 
can file a problem report if you'd like, but I don't want to get 
started filing PR's for RAIDframe stuff in OpenBSD -- there have been 
a lot of changes/fixes to RAIDframe in the last 5 years that aren't 
reflected in the code in OpenBSD, and I wouldn't know where to begin 


Greg Oster

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