On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 02:22:49PM +0200, Tony Sarendal wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> Friday question:
> Does anyone have recommendation on graphics hardware to use for 4k screens
> and OpenBSD ?
> I'm thinking about improving my workstation. I run lots of terminal
> windows, a web browser,
> and the default window manager. As I like eye candy I may even do "xsetroot
> -solid black".
> What I want is a stable work environment where I can reboot my workstation
> every
> 6 months or so. This with a 4k screen. Doable ?

The short version is it won't work yet, the longer version
is you should carefully check what the graphics hardware, monitor
and software support.

For Intel the HDMI 4k at 30 Hz modes are only supported on Haswell,
ie i[357]-4xxx.  On the AMD side HDMI 4k at 30 Hz modes are only
supported on Southern Islands parts according to
http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/RadeonFeature/ which are
Radeon HD >= 77xx.  The Southern Islands parts are best avoided as
xf86-video-ati only supports 2D acceleration via Glamor-EGL which on
Southern Islands radeons requires a Mesa driver that has a hard
requirement on LLVM, working EGL drm platform, and other things.
And the kernel only knows about the initial round of Southern Islands
parts, not all of those that were later released including
the newer integrated graphics with Kaveri.  It seems it should
be possible to use 4k modes with displayport on Northern Islands/HD6xxx
if the screen was presented as two smaller screens via MST as
Northern Islands radeons support displayport 1.2 and MST.
This isn't an option for older Intel parts as ivybridge for
example only supports displayport 1.1 with no MST.

The HDMI 1.4 4k modes make use of a CEA vendor extension
in the blob of data from the display that describes the
modes (EDID).  Support for that was added in drm 3.12.

Many of the 4k displays present themselves as multiple
displayport displays/streams, support for that was added
in drm 3.17.

OpenBSD has roughly drm at the moment.

hdmi 1.4, drm 3.12

hdmi 2.0
4k @ 60Hz, drm ?

displayport 1.2 4k 30Hz single stream transport (SST), drm 3.12?

displayport 1.2 4k 60Hz multi stream transport (MST), drm 3.17

displayport 1.? 4k 60Hz single stream transport (4K60 SST), drm ?

displayport 1.? dell 5k 5120x2880@?, MST? drm ?

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