I think that I found something.
It occurs when I set max limit on i_bittor/b_bittor queues but I didn't set min limit. I read pf.conf(5) many times and I didn't find that min and max must be used together.

In i386 I had this:

 queue rootq on $ExtIf bandwidth 100M max 100M
  queue inter parent rootq bandwidth 3M max 2950K
   queue i_ack     parent inter bandwidth 2M, min 1M
   queue i_dns     parent inter bandwidth 500K
   queue i_ntp     parent inter bandwidth 300K
   queue i_web     parent inter bandwidth 2M burst 2M for 10000ms
   queue i_bulk    parent inter bandwidth 170K
   queue i_bittor  parent inter bandwidth 30K, max 1400K default

  queue bg parent rootq bandwidth 40M max 39M
   queue b_ack     parent bg bandwidth 15M, min 10M
   queue b_dns     parent bg bandwidth 1M, min 1M
   queue b_ntp     parent bg bandwidth 4M, min 4M
   queue b_rdc     parent bg bandwidth 4M, min 4M
queue b_web parent bg bandwidth 15M, min 15M burst 40M for 5000ms, max 37M
   queue b_bulk    parent bg bandwidth 8M, min 5M
   queue b_bittor  parent bg bandwidth 2M, max 29M

.... and it worked as it should!

When I changed my server and I installed amd64 -current I just copied my working pf.conf. After few days I noticed that max limit on some of my queues didn't work properly as expected.
Today I set min limit to i_bittor/b_bittor and it works again:

 queue rootq on $ExtIf bandwidth 100M max 100M
  queue inter parent rootq bandwidth 3M max 2950K
   queue i_ack     parent inter bandwidth 2M, min 1M
   queue i_dns     parent inter bandwidth 500K
   queue i_ntp     parent inter bandwidth 300K
   queue i_web     parent inter bandwidth 2M burst 2M for 10000ms
   queue i_bulk    parent inter bandwidth 170K
queue i_bittor parent inter bandwidth 30K, min 20K, max 1400K default

  queue bg parent rootq bandwidth 40M max 39M
   queue b_ack     parent bg bandwidth 15M, min 10M
   queue b_dns     parent bg bandwidth 1M, min 1M
   queue b_ntp     parent bg bandwidth 4M, min 4M
   queue b_rdc     parent bg bandwidth 4M, min 4M
queue b_web parent bg bandwidth 15M, min 15M burst 40M for 5000ms, max 37M
   queue b_bulk    parent bg bandwidth 8M, min 5M
   queue b_bittor  parent bg bandwidth 2M, min 1M, max 29M

Is this a bug in pf or pf.conf(5) is not correct?
Thank for your time,

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