On Tue, Oct 14, 2014 at 1:14 AM, Bryan Linton <b...@shoshoni.info> wrote:
> On 2014-10-14 14:02:52, Joel Rees <joel.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What're the recommended input methods for Japanese and Spanish?
> I can't speak for anything officially recommended, but for
> Japanese at least, I use ports/inputmethods/anthy with
> ports/inputmethods/uim and it works well.
> The only complaint I have is that for some applications, namely
> xombrero and xfe, they either do not accept Japanese input unless
> their locale is specifically changed to Japanese, such as is the
> case with xombrero, which has the side-effect of changing all
> fonts to Japanese equivalents which makes for rather "ugly" font
> choices made for the Latin alphabet, or in the case of xfe where
> it just does not accept Japanese input at all no matter what I
> have tried.
> An xterm invoked as uxterm and started with a Japanese font allows
> me to have a terminal which supports the input and display of
> Japanese however, so I'm not quite sure what keeps xombrero and
> xfe from working out-of-the box like Firefox, editors/leafpad, and
> devel/geany, for example.  If anyone knows, please let me know.
> I do have
>         export XMODIFIERS=@im=uim
>         export GTK_IM_MODULE="uim"
> in my .xinitrc file.
> As far as Spanish is concerned, I simply have a dead-key set up in
> my .xinitrc
>         setxkbmap -rules base -model pc105 -option "compose:menu"
> which sets the "menu" key in-between the right-ALT and right-CTRL
> keys to a dead-key such that pressing <MENU><"><a> will produce an
> 'a' with umlauts.  There are many other combinations as well.
> You could probably use uim to to switch between a Spanish layout,
> but it might be easier to do that with setxkbmap if you're
> planning on typing in Spanish a lot, and are not just in need of
> an occasional extended-Latin character.  If you'll only
> occasionally need an extended-Latin character, then using a
> dead-key would probably be the easiest route.
> I'd be interested in what other people use for the above tasks as
> well.
> Hope this was helpful!
> --
> Bryan

For spanish I also just map whatever key is more comfortable on
each particular keyboard to dead_acute (for accents) - which is the
most common used, and set a modifier key where I see fit and
declare extra keysyms for those keycodes:

$ cat .Xmodmap
keycode  10 = 1 exclam exclamdown

keycode  20 = slash question questiondown
keycode  25 = comma less guillemotleft

keycode  26 = period greater guillemotright
keycode  41 = u U udiaeresis Udiaeresis
keycode  46 = n N ntilde Ntilde
keycode  75 = dead_acute
keycode  94 = Mode_switch


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