
I noticed that, when I update my packages using "pkg_add -u", some
unneeded re-installation are performed; in particular (examples below
are with the latest snapshot, Oct 23):

- when a dependency needs update, all the dependencies and the package
  itself are updated:
cups-1.7.5p2:openjpeg-1.5.1->1.5.1: ok
cups-1.7.5p2:poppler-0.26.5->0.26.5: ok
cups-1.7.5p2:poppler-utils-0.26.5->0.26.5: ok
cups-1.7.5p2:foomatic-db-engine-4.0.11p0->4.0.11p0: ok
cups-1.7.5p2:cups-filters-1.0.60->1.0.61: ok
cups-1.7.5p2->1.7.5p2: ok

- some packages are updated even if version is unchanged:
xloadimage-4.1.22v0->4.1.22v0: ok
xpdf-3.04->3.04: ok
xzgv-0.9p4->0.9p4: ok

According to pkg_add's man page

"the update signature of the candidate
is compared to the signature of the already installed package: identical
signatures mean no update needed"

so I think that signatures of those packages have changed w.r.t. the
previous snapshot, but what's the rationale here?

Thanks for any clarifications.

All the best


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