On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:30:57PM -0500, Libertas wrote:
> Hmm, have you been keeping an eye on your logs? I eventually got a
> warning telling me that Tor had to stop opening connections because it
> couldn't open any more files. Regardless, Tor frequently opens thousands
> of files, while the default hard limit for OpenBSD users is 512-1024
> files. My Linux nodes generally have 9,000+ files open across all users
> when mature.

I wish I had more data to give you at the moment (I have no relays up
right now, but have historically run a couple long-term).  However, on
my local machine a grep through the logs shows nothing of the sort, nor
have I noticed this issue.  I currently have an uptime of about a week
and 7 browser tabs open at the moment with this client.

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