On 2014-12-02, sven falempin <sven.falem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am more or less forced to test Squid.
> OpenBSD test.my.domain 5.6 GENERIC.MP#333 amd64
> I have two problems:
> WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors
> And probably have to read more about ICAP
> suspending ICAP service for too many failures
> My question is about the fds,
> i tried to add
> squid:\
>         :openfiles-cur=4096:\
>         :tc=daemon:

Follow the instructions in the pkg-readme exactly and let me know if you
still have problems. If you want to make adjustments to limits etc then
do that after trying the suggested configuration.

In your case you most likely have an invalid config, the openfiles-max
limit will probably be *lower* than your openfiles-cur. OpenBSD used to
accept this and use the higher limit, but a couple of releases ago this
was changed for posix compatibility. The example in the pkg-readme just
sets openfiles, overriding both -cur and -max.

> into login.conf and did not forget to 'push' it
> # cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf
> # echo $?
> 0

You only have to run cap_mkdb if you already have a login.conf.db file.
Most people do not use these and just use the plaintext file instead.

> It looks like it has no effect. Is this the way to go ? have I to change a
> limit somewhere else ?
> Best regards,
> Sven

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