Quoting "grasso...@versanet.de" <grasso...@versanet.de>:


i installed OpenBSD5.6 on a laptop, because Windows is too insecure and
commercial, and Linux is too radical. I am trying to use $mail for receiving and sending e-mails over the remote e-mail account at my internet service provider. With the default sendmail configuration, i can mail only locally. So i rewrote the config with masquerading but could not figure out how to link local users to their remote mail accounts. And i made a mistake, for now local mailing is also

I figure, that there are many people like me trying to hack a bit but unwilling to get a master degree in Unix administration or to ask a Linux nerd. So I would
love to see a sample sendmail config for the stuff that is configured that
easily in Thunderbird.

Uli Grassberger


I would like to try to help -- but not sure that I have understood your problem correctly, so here is a guess.

Do you have a DNS entry that shows your OpenBSD IP as the valid MX record for your domain? If not, probably the remote mail server is rejecting email from your server. Or may be of the remote email server is authoritative for your domain then it is not set up to accept email relayed through your server.

I am thinking that if there are no DNS issues, then you can use the default sendmail.cf, edit mailertable to send everything for your domain.com to the remote mail server and it should work.

Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
ForeTell Technologies Limited

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