I made a couple of changes from the old one.
Removed the need for the patch and updated variable information.
Essentially the process is easier than it was before as no patch is needed. There are also the proper versions of automake/conf in ports now.

It took nothing new to compile this fine on -current.
In fact with the new ports and using the auto vars it is pretty painless.

Joachim thanks for the update.
Hopefully this process works for you.



On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, Joachim Schipper wrote:

(Fixed posting order, just because I'm anal)

2005/12/12, Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 08:10:43AM -0200, Ricardo Lucas wrote:
Hello misc,

Has someone compiled the ethereal? If so, you do can help me.
When I try to compile that source I get a message that I don't have the
GTK+2 and GLIB2 installed on my system, but I DO have they.
So if anyone passed through this problem, please, HELP ME!!! =]

First, try to understand just *why* ethereal is not available as a port.
for example.

That being said, could you post pkg_info output and the actual error?
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, Ricardo Lucas wrote:

Thank's for the hint man. I will not install this pkg.
Thank's again.

On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 05:02:05PM -0600, ober wrote:

Feel free to ignore some of the more "so&so is insecure, mmmmkay...."
as they are highly short on insight. :D

At one time Sendmail was considered to be the most insecure service.

Yes, Google turned that up for me, too. It's woefully out-of-date and
incorrect - for one, automake and autoconf are in ports and the
suggestion about linking automake-x-x to automake is misguided.

That's why I did not point to it. That being said, all this bickering
does not compile ethereal. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing -
you aren't suggesting that Sendmail never was a horrible security hole
on most *nixes?

Ethereal bombed for me too, while linking stuff in a weird way. I'd try
and figure it out, if I actually saw a point, but I'm afraid I don't.


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